Foreign investments

In the sphere of the foreign investments we perform the following activities:

  • Registration of trade representations of foreign companies;
  • Consultations to foreign commercial companies in relation to the business activity and management thereof;
  • Execution and registration of subsequent changes of commercial companies;
  • Restructuring of commercial companies – bundling, merging, spin-off and demerging;
  • Deals and transactions with commercial enterprises – acquisition, transformation, lease and purchase and sale of enterprises;
  • Transfer of shares, company interests and commercial enterprises;
  • Changes in the capital and structure, changes in the type of shares; contributions in-kind;
  • Assistance for obtaining licenses and permits by state and governmental bodies and authorities – Employment Agency, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Interior, “Migration” Directorate, upon execution of activities at the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria;
  • Consultations, documents’ drafting and assistance for the execution of any and all types of commercial deals and transactions – with real estate, securities, lease transactions, contracts for transportation and carriage, construction, sales, deliveries, commission and distribution agreements, intermediation agreements, franchising, credit agreements, etc.;
  • Representation of merchants and commercial companies before state and governmental institutions – Patent Office, Commission on Protection of Competition, Customs Administration, Consumer Protection Commission, State Telecommunications Commissions, Post-privatization Control Agency and other governmental and state institutions;
  • Consultations and provision of legal assistance to foreign nationals in relation to the acquisition of Bulgarian citizenship, legalization of the foreigners’ stay and status at the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, assistance for obtaining visas and permits for temporary or permanent stay in the country;
  • Litigation and legal defense before any and all court institutions, specific jurisdictions and arbitrage courts in relation to civil proceedings – in the area of the commercial, contractual, banking, insurance, labour law, law of property, family and inheritance law.