Administrative law
In the area of the Administrative Law we provide the following legal services:
- Complete administrative legal servicing to Bulgarian and foreign legal entities and individuals;
- Consultations and assistance in procedures on issuance of different types of administrative acts;
- Research, consultations and assistance before the administrative bodies in relation to license and permit regimes established for certain activities at the territory of the country;
- Appeal of administrative acts of the state, municipal and tax administration;
- Appeal of penal decisions issued by different bodies and authorities;
- Administrative procedures related to the construction and entrepreneurship business for issuance of the required documents, permits and protocol in the construction;
- Consultations and provision of legal assistance to foreign citizens in relation to the acquisition of Bulgarian citizenship, legalization of foreigners’ stay and status at the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, securing visas and permits for temporary or permanent stay in the country;
- Litigation before state and municipal authorities and bodies – Patent Office, Commission on Protection of Competition, Customs Administration, Consumer Protection Commission, State Telecommunications Commissions, Post-privatization Control Agency and other state and governmental authorities and bodies;
- Litigation and legal defense in relation to administrative cases before all court institutions.