Civil law
In the area of the Civil Law we provide the following legal services:
- Legal consultations on civil legal matters;
- Preparation of title deeds, powers of attorney, certificates, invitations and provision of assistance before a notary public;
- Consultations upon the execution of different types of transactions and deals and contracts and agreements’ preparation;
- Registration, restructuring and termination of commercial companies, sole proprietors, cooperatives, partnerships, unincorporated partnerships and non-profit legal entities – foundations, associations, parties;
- Subscription legal servicing of corporate clients and physical persons;
- Consultations and legal assistance to foreign citizens in relation to acquiring Bulgarian citizenship, legalization of the stay and status of the foreigners at the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, assistance for visa issuance and permits for temporary or permanent stay in the country;
- Litigation and defense in court proceedings and litigations;
- Consultations and legal assistance for collection of claims and receivables and intermediation for the purpose of conclusion of out-of-court agreements;
- Mediation;
- Litigation and legal defense before any and all court instances, in particular for jurisdictions and arbitrage courts during the litigation of civil trials – within the sphere of the commercial, contractual, banking, insurance, labour, property, family and inheritance law.